FRS Dome
The Institute for Surgical Excellence developed a new FRS Dome to train and assess the proficiency of the psychomotor robotic skills of the surgeon. A proficiency-based progression (PBP) model is used where trainees perform tasks that can be assessed by objective measures and the avoidance of errors. Trainees can repeat a task as many times as necessary until they consistently achieve an expert benchmark. Only then are they allowed to progress to the next task usually at a higher level of difficulty. It has been demonstrated that training to quantitative, evidence-based, proficiency standards result in expedited skills acquisition, less errors, improved efficiency, and greater patient safety. Review FRS Dome Usage Instructions.
The FRS Dome includes seven tasks.
These tasks were delivered in identical physical (FRS Dome) and VR simulation models that were developed and tested to provide the most effective and efficient basic robotic psychomotor skills training. Click on this link to view the video to set up the FRS Dome.
01. Docking/Instrument Insertion
02. Ring Tower Transfer
03. Knot Tying
04. Railroad Track
05. Fourth Arm Cutting
06. Puzzle Piece Dissection
07. Vessel Energy Dissection
Purchase an FRS Dome
If you would like more information about working with a FRS Dome, or would like to purchase an FRS Dome, please use the following form: