Robotic Registry and CRNs
(Coordinated Registry Networks)
ISE is working in partnership with MDEpiNet and DNA-HIVE to design, develop, and implement a real-world data robotic surgery data registry. To determine what data would be helpful in moving forward, ISE convened a consensus conference of dozens of key constituencies, including robotic surgery experts, registry experts, government representatives, medical societies, and hospital leadership from around the United States. The registry will systematically collect in near real-time relevant device-related and process-related data. The registry is designed to be interoperable with clinical databases. The registry uses the data to improve device safety, surgeon/team performance, and patient outcomes.
Consensus-driven Registry Dataset
Patient demographics and patient history
Procedure information
Robotic device and instruments information
Information about intraoperative issues
Post-operative information and claims data
Patient reported outcomes
Surgeon and OR staff experience/training
Stakeholders Served by a Registry
Physicians to evaluate their operative performance for self-improvement
Educators to develop standardized training programs and certification processes for ongoing education, remediation, and privileging
Hospitals to develop quality measures, effectiveness and risk assessment for quality improvement
Societies to develop standards for robotic-assisted procedures and continuing education and training
Industry to assess the performance of their devices to promote more rapid iterations towards improved functionality and safety
Government to maintain minimal safety and effectiveness standards and stay informed of new developments that could influence policies
Patients to participate in quality initiatives to continuously improve surgical outcomes (patient reported outcomes)
Robotic Coordinated Registry Network Update
ISE’s most recent conference to finalize planning for the registry launch was held on May 20, 2022. See the agenda below.
A special thanks to the event sponsors, Johnson & Johnson and CMR Surgical. ISE greatly appreciates their continued support.
Goals of the Meeting
Describe MDEpiNet’s roles and value proposition
Introduce new technology partner – DNA HIVE
Describe established data standards and interoperability
Discuss the benefits of participating institutions
Understand industry’s needs
Discuss the importance of registry outcome data and analytics
Goals After the Meeting
Fundraising to support registry development and implementation
Set timeline and action steps for a limited launch